Directed by Amy Jephta, the first South African Muslim film Barakat, has been selected as South Africa’s official submission for the 94th Annual Academy Awards. Produced by Ephraim Gordon, Barakat was released in cinemas in early 2021. The screenplay is by...
In another exciting announcement for East African women in film and media, The Ladima Foundation can confirm a long-term partnership with The Tanzania Media Women’s Association (TAMWA). As a duly registered not-for-profit organisation in Tanzania, The Ladima...
Triggerfish and the German-funded Employment for Skills and Development in Africa (E4D) Programme have entered a new partnership. Announced at the Cape Town International Animation Festival (CTIAF), this ambitious three-year partnership aims to expose 10,000 school...
Netflix and UNESCO have partnered to launch an innovative short film competition on ‘African Folktales, Reimagined’ across Sub-Saharan Africa. Winners of the competition will be trained and mentored by industry professionals and provided with a US$75,000 production...
The African Film Festival (TAFF) celebrates films and arts that either promote African culture; address issues affecting Africa and people of African descent; or explore African landmarks and historic leaders. Rules & Terms Submitted films must meet any of the...
Earlier this year, The Ladima Foundation announced a partnership with Culture and Development East Africa (CDEA) and the Kwetu International Animation Film Festival (KIAFF) designed to bring training, development, and professional opportunities to women in animation...
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