Mouatheqat is a nine month fellowship incubator for female professionals to acquire, get hands-on experience, and exchange the necessary skills to write, research, direct, produce and edit a documentary film. It’s main focus lies in the exploration and experimentation of different forms of storytelling emanating from individual perspectives, reflecting their own voices and experiences. Through an interconnected series of modules implemented online and offline between Berlin and the African/Arab region, the program will guide the fellows through a holistic and collective filmmaking process from idea to delivery of a documentary film. Mouatheqat is designed to connect and cross pollinate intergenerational, interdisciplinary and intercultural imaginaries of women who are keen to transmit their voices to a worldwide audience.
Storytelling is a formidable tool and factual narratives (documentaries) are the bedrock of constructing a vision for the future. The visual culture has become the main vehicle of cultural transmission yet it is subject to a vast marginalisation of diverse female voices, with immeasurable implications. Moutheqat’s objective is to contribute to provoking a radical transformation of the existing audiovisual space through a small but highly interconnected community of women documentary film professionals, Women in Dox.
The fellowship is offered to six motivated women from various professional backgrounds: We encourage the application of directors, producers, cinematographers, researchers, editors, sound engineers and other creative professionals who are inspired by collective practice and the desire to tell their stories. The fellowship is open to all levels of professional experiences. Mouatheqat is a tuition-free programme targeting six different countries for each cycle.
The countries in focus change for each edition. For its first edition, fellows of the following countries and their international diasporas are eligible: Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Mauritania, Sudan, Tunisia.
Implemented with a strong network of national, regional and international creatives, cultural and civil society organisations, film festivals and markets in Europe and the Arab/African region, the fellowship aims to establish and consolidate sustainable ties of the fellows to the international industry. Thereby creating hubs of exchange to interconnect the creative sectors in Africa/ the Arab region and Europe. The programme is designed and conducted with the support of a wide network of internationally recognised film professionals associated with DOX BOX wide community of filmmakers and regional and international industry experts.
DOX BOX is interested in opening the space for diverse perspectives and narratives, regardless of class, sexual orientation, gender-expression, disability, mental illness, physical appearance, body, age, race, ethnicity or religion.