The Mobile Moviemakers Film Festival Cape Town (MMOCA) has been created to showcase, nurture, and support the emerging creative filmmaker, who uses the latest technology available from a mobile device (smartphone, tablet, action camera or drone) to create stories in a cinematic way. The festival hopes to function as a career stepping stone for discovering emerging filmmakers in South Africa. By focusing on mobile filmmaking, the festival eliminates a lot of the economic constraints, allowing more people to take part and compete in the festival.
MMOCA is looking for short films (max 5-min in length) shot on a mobile phone in the following categories:
Out of all the entries, 5 finalists per category will be pre-selected by an in-house professional filmmakers’ team. The films of the 15 finalists, spread over the 3 categories, will be judged by an international panel of filmmaking fundies. There will be one award winner per category.
What are the awards and prizes?
- A production grant of R 10.000 for the winner of each category: the award winner will be asked to use this grant to produce a promotional film for the sponsor of the award category. Details will be discussed between the sponsor and the award winner.
- A Jury Prize for the winner of each category: R 5000
The awards are: The Flemish Representation Award for Best Documentary; The Wallonia – Brussels Award for Best Fiction Film; and The Flemish Investment & Trade Award for Best Advertisement.
Entries to MMOCA are free for students and R100 for all others. All films submitted must be shot on a mobile device, in other words, a mobile phone or tablet, drone, GoPro-style camera.
All films must be submitted by the 13 November 2020 deadline.